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At The Granville Island Toy Company, we want our suppliers to care as much as we do about the toys your child plays with.

Toysmith is one of those supplier's whose commitment to safety is not based on simply reacting to the intense level of

recent consumer activity followed by increased government regulation.

As Toysmith approaches its 32nd year in business, they can proudly look back on a strong record of

supplying safe products to our customers.

Toysmith is dedicated to safety as an ongoing process and will continue to make

improvements wherever possible. New Toy Safety Regulations has certainly been

the dominant topic in our industry beginning in 2008.

The amount of interest and the number of questions and concerns that this subject has

generated warrants a responsive statement from Toysmith to re-assure our Sales

Representatives, Customer Accounts and their consumers regarding the

safety and full compliance of our products.


All products Toysmith offers for sale are tested for compliance with CPSIA requirements

and in accordance with the latest testing standards as defined by the American Society

for Testing and Materials (ASTM). In addition, Toysmith strives to meet all states

regulations such as California Proposition 65, Illinois Lead Poisoning Prevention Act,

the Mercury Reduction act and others.


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